Thursday, 5 June 2014

A wild Blogger appeared!

Hello there!!

Tis been awhile! It seems as though I start most my entries saying that... Hopefully this will change. I say 'hopefully', because I've started doing a bit more filming of myself opening the Pokemon products. I mean, I've done it before in the past, but those videos will never see the light of day. They were soooo bad and cringe worthy! The ones I've done recently are bad as well, but there's some slight improvement. 

Will be editing them and putting them up on YouTube within the next week. 

In the huge gap between posts I've gathered a ton of new Pokemon goodies! I'll be splitting these up into a number of posts to keep any potential readers on their toes. Plus, it'll help me organise things a little better. :P

16/07/2013: Finally got my hands on a complete Base Set! The very first set of the Pokemon Trading Card Game. I still can't believe I actually own the complete set. These were the cards that started it all off. I may have jumped and skipped around a little when flicking through them. Here's a few highlights:

Front and back cover! Let the nostalgia burn into your eye holes!

Take in the holo-ness! Taakkkee ittt!

That's right! Your eyes haven't deceived you. That is a genuine Charizard from the base set! Booya!

The purchase of the base set even came with a few promo cards from the Wizards Black star collections. Pikachu and Electrobuzz from the 'Mewtwo Strikes Back' theatrical movie release and Mew from the Pokemon League in 2000.

Found my old cards stashed away in a make shift box which I created back in thee day! (Added a few of the newer ones into it for safe keeping.)

This is what I HAD. Had being the key word. It has greatly increased and is taken up many more shelves since this photo was taken. But what we do have here is, many Plasma Freeze goodies, binder full of random holos from the old Jungle, Team Rocket and Base set series. Also on the left I have started to collect the old theme decks. My aim is to eventually own all the theme decks (sealed).

Stay tuned. There's a few more posts coming this way within the next few days! Perhaps even a YouTube video!

- Matt

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