06/08/2013: Our trip to Tesco's are sometimes worth it! The box you see below was almost empty of theme decks, so as you do, Ash went on look out as I emptied the box. Wasn't sure if this was okay to do, but I see it as doing them a favour by removing unwanted "rubbish". Bought some cards as well. Would have felt like a bum walking in and just taking a free, empty box. It was a theme deck sized box so it will be holding my sealed theme deck collection. Hopefully I'll be able to obtain a few more of these boxes. I like the organised look it gives on the shelves.
The Plasma Freeze theme deck box and some Black and White single blister packs at the front. Love them promo cards! I will have all BW promos! I will!
And here is the collection so far. The main difference is the theme deck box and a couple of blister packs. Looks more organised.
Coming up is the exciting opening of the new (at the time) Plasma Blast booster box!
Until next time!