Thursday, 15 May 2014

More Pokemon for 2014!

Hello again!

It has been a while since either of us posted, but we have been silently collecting away...
Matt has got himself a whole lot of X/Y stuff to open, which he plans to share on the blog, and as for me...well, it has been slower, since I've gotten to the more expensive cards in my want list.
(namely Pop Gold Star Umbreon and Espeon!)

My want list has been updated, and check out these little gems I managed to get my mitts on:

The Eevee binder above was actually a gift from Matt for my birthday back in October, and it contained the cards pictured across from it. It was an awesome surprise, but little did I know English holos of the same set would be along not too long after -- the collecting never ends! : )

Anyway, these will be added on my collection page, and feel free to keep checking back for the X/Y updates from Matt!

- Ash